A quote from the redsign of the Aeron Chair got me thinking about engineering and design. Showing function as a form of design.
The Aeron chair was made for function, yet gained an appeal because of it's design.
“Its designers, Bill Stumpf and Don Chadwick, built the Aeron according to what the body needs, not what the eye likes. The result was a chair that looked more engineered than designed.”
The Pompidou in Paris is much the same. By showing how the building functions, you create a unique design.
“The skeleton itself engulfs the building from its exterior, showing all of the different mechanical and structure systems not only so that they could be understood but also to maximize the interior space without interruptions.”
The iconic Nike Air Max One shows you what's on the inside. The function is exposed to create a design.
“This part of the design known as ‘Maximum Volume’ allowed the transfer of air on impact — allowing the Air bag to expand beyond the confines of the midsole. So although they allowed you to see the Visible Air cushioning unit, they had more function as well.”